Frequently Asked Questions

How much does therapy cost?

Free telephone consultation (up to 15 minutes)

Therapy session costs £100 for a 60 minute appointment

How do I book an appointment?

An appointment can be made via the Book An Appointment Tab, or the button below.

Alternatively if you prefer, please contact me by email to book an appointment.

How do I make payments?

After the appointment you will receive an invoice by email. Payment is required within 7 days of receiving an invoice. If payment has not been received by your next scheduled session, unfortunately we cannot go ahead.

Current Option for payment is:

BACS transfer via on-line banking

What is your cancellation policy?

Cancellation policy

Sometimes cancellations cannot be avoided. The policy allows for reasonable notice in order not to incur any financial cost. Depending on when you cancel the following charges apply:

More than 24 hours notice - free of charge

Within 24 hrs - full payment

What appointment times are available?

I have daytime appointments available from 9am – 6pm on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. My last appointment of the day is 5pm.

Do you work with Health Insurance Companies?

I am registered with BUPA and can explore working with other insurance companies if you would like to work with me.

If your sessions are funded by your insurance company I will invoice them directly. If there is an excess on the policy, this needs to be paid in full by you prior to treatment starting. Sometimes you will have to pay the excess directly to me. It is really important that you ensure you have established the terms of your insurance policy so you know how many sessions have been funded and if the session could be affected by your insurance renewal date.

If you cancel your session within 24 hrs of the appointment, the full session fee will be charged directly to you in an invoice as insurance companies do not fund cancellations.

Where do our sessions take place?

Sessions currently take place online via ZOOM, TEAMS or SKYPE.

How often can I see you and how long does therapy last?

We can discuss the frequency of sessions when you attend your first initial session with me. I usually recommend weekly sessions at first, as they lead to faster and more consistent changes in your life. Weekly sessions are also helpful and important when working with trauma processing, and emotionally triggering events.

Your therapy can vary in length depending on the approach we decide to use, your therapy goals and how complex or long-standing the issues are. We can discuss this in your initial consultation and review it at regular intervals.

Do you offer support outside of sessions?

I am unable to provide urgent contact outside of therapy sessions if you are in crises. However, if you would like to book an additional appointment or telephone call for extra support I can try to accommodate this where I have appointments available during my working hours.

If you need urgent support you can call your GP or attend A&E. If emotional crises are likely we can spend some time in your therapy sessions developing a plan for how you can look after yourself and get help during these difficult times.

Are sessions confidential?

The information you share with me is confidential. However, under exceptional circumstances I may have to break confidentiality if I had concerns about any risk to you or other people. In this case, I would make you aware.